Sean Kerpovich of Luzerne County decided to serve his country after the devastating terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001. He enlisted in the National Guard and, in the following decade, was deployed on three combat tours in Iraq.
During that time, many changes occurred – both nationally and locally – including an economic downturn and a buyout at Mr. Kerpovich’s employer of 23 years.

Recognizing that he needed to adapt his skill set, Mr. Kerpovich began exploring the programs offered by Luzerne County Community College, specifically an engineering, design and manufacturing associate degree. This type of expertise would allow him to mastermind spaces and, perhaps one day, fulfill his dream of owning a business.
“Being a little older, I really didn’t want to attend a four-year college,” said Mr. Kerpovich. “I choose Luzerne County Community College which was right in my backyard. I’m currently using my veteran benefits to pay for school, and the quality education I’m receiving will ultimately train me for in-demand careers right here in Northeast Pennsylvania.”
With a hands-on internship in his field and plans to graduate in the spring of 2020, Mr. Kerpovich says he couldn’t be happier with his choice of college.
“Luzerne County Community College has some of the brightest and most knowledgeable instructors I’ve ever met – and I was once trained at Fort Knox,” Mr. Kerpovich explained. “The college has state-of-the-art real industrial grade equipment so we can train and be prepared for real world achievement. Community colleges set people like me up for success, and for that I’m very grateful.”
On behalf of the Pennsylvania Commission for Community Colleges, we thank Mr. Kerpovich and all active duty military, veterans and their family members for their sacrifice. In the 2017-18 academic year, more than 4,000 veterans attended Pennsylvania community colleges, many of which have recognized student veteran organizations on campus.